The following members were present: Lion Cherie Coleman, Lion Mike Derry, Lion Rich Drabek, Lion Ron Ensz (by phone), Lion Melissa Kraft, Lion Del Neumeister, Lion Sue Neumeister, Lion Frank Walton and Lion Kellen Willert (by phone).
The meeting was held at the Conference Room of the Pioneer Bank and Trust. A thank you to Lions Coleman and Kraft for making the arrangements. Meeting was called to order by President Willert at 7 p.m. and Lion Ensz joined a short time later due to technical issues.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the future of the Annual Pancake feed scheduled for March 29, 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak. This was the only item on the agenda.
There was much discussion back and forth regarding whether to postpone or to cancel outright the feed. Lion Frank Walton provided the group with some numbers regarding where his tickets, in the amount of $2110, came from. Uncertainty of what the “best” thing to do was with each who attended.
There was a motion by Lion Mike Derry to postpone, for the time being, the feed. A second was given by Lion Del Neumeister, 8 for and 1 against; motion carried. Lion Ron Ensz will prepare a statement for the newspaper regarding how tickets which have been sold will be handled. Lion Cherie Coleman will put the notification on our Facebook page.
Due to the coronavirus a motion was made to cancel the next regular club meeting scheduled for March 26, 2020 by Lion Frank Walton with a 2nd by Lion Melissa Kraft; motion carried.
As there was no further business a motion by Lion Del Neumeister was made to adjourn, a 2nd by Lion Frank Walton; motion carried.
Your Lions secretary
Lion Del Neumeister