Fourche Lions Club Minutes February 10th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by President Lion Coleman at 7pm.
There were 15 members, and 2 guests present for the
meeting: Lions B. Drabek, R. Drabek, J. Drabek, Nary, Derry, Coleman,
Shoemaker, R. Walton, R. Walton, D. Kraft, M. Kraft, Willert, Bartels, Ensz,
and Capp. Guests were 2nd
Vice Governor Jim Treloar and PDG Dough Scheller.
The Pledge was
led by Lion D. Kraft.
The Lions song
was led by Lion R. Walton.
A Lions joke was
told by none.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were reviewed. Lion M.
Kraft motioned to accept seconded by Lion Willert. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Ensz. Motion
to accept by Lion Willert seconded by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
Visitor PDG Doug Scheller LCIF Coordinator presentation: He wanted to
congratulate The Belle Fourche Lions Club for selling the most tickets out of
all the clubs in the 5SW District. We
were credited with $1238.87 towards LCIF donation for our club. The district raised $10,000 overall.
Correspondence/ Informational
School Science Fair awards February 15th. Encouraging all Lions to show with Lion’s
gear on.
Screening at the Kindergarten will be March 14th from 8 to 3 at
North Park.
of Commerce dues for $150. Lion Nary
motioned to approve seconded by R. Walton.
Motion carried.
Who Care asking for a donation. Lion
Willert motioned to give $50. F. Walton
seconded. Motion carried.
· Compassion Cupboard is looking for donations, namely money for hamburger. F. Walton motioned to give $300 earmarked for hamburger. R. Walton seconded. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
from Donation Committee
projects we are donating to:
§ Benches for Jones
§ $100 to Middle
School Science Fair
§ Two scholarships
to graduating seniors for $500 each
§ Above mentioned
for donations
§ Create a monthly
award for School employees and/or teachers called the Livingston Legacy Award
§ Lion F. Walton motioned to give $250 to the Fire Department for the Kip Marshall fund raiser. Willert seconded. Motion carried.
· Update on Pancake feed. Date is March 27th at the Moose Lodge. We will have tickets at the next Lions meeting for the Pancake feed. Lion Nary worked a deal with Jim at Lynn’s to store and supply cooked link sausage for the Pancake Feed and the Cowboy Breakfast at $17 a box.
on Cowboy Breakfast: Request to close 7th St. down for the morning
of the 4th has been submitted to the Public Works Committee chairman
Bob Sumervold. Will advise once passed.
Unfinished Business:
· Health Fair is April 2nd. Tabled discussion about having a booth with prizes to give away.
New Business:
Camber is planning a Parking Lot Party on June 10th in the parking
lot of the Pioneer Bank to highlight the non-profit organizations that belong
to the Chamber. They have asked if we
would like to participate. Tabled until
next meeting.
J. Drabek would like to donate two complete sets for Dodgeball to the Fire
Dept. Lion F. Walton motioned and
Willert seconded. Motion carried.
Next meeting: February 24th,
Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.
50/50 Drawing was wone by: Lion
Darling-Reich $25.50 was donated back to the Club.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes January 27th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Jason Oedekoven.
There were 10 members and 0 guests present for the
meeting: Lions Bartels, J. Drabek, R. Drabek, Ensz, M. Kraft, Oedekoven,
Shaefer, Shoemaker, F. Walton, and Capp
The Pledge was
led by Lion M. Kraft.
The Lions song
was led by Lion J. Drabek.
A Lions joke was
told by Lion Capp.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were reviewed. Lion Bartels
motioned to accept seconded by Lion Ensz.
Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Ensz.
Addendum to the
Financial Report: Lion Nary deposited $143 from can recycling.
Motion to accept by Lion F. Walton, seconded
by Lion Shaefer. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
from Donation Committee
on Pancake feed
Ensz is double checking on the date with the Moose Lodge.
to make 1000 tickets the same as last year by Lion F. Walton, seconded by
Shoemaker. Motion carried.
on Cowboy Breakfast
be submitting street closure to the Public Works Committee this week.
Unfinished Business:
School Science Fair is February 15th.amount for the two awards to be
given was tabled until Lion Ensz could research to find out how much was given
in the past.
Drabek and Ensz researched and found that we had given two $50 prizes in the
past. Motion to give two $50 prizes to
the Science fair by F. Walton, seconded by Shaefer. Motion carried.
Screening at the Kindergarten will be March 14th from 8 to 3.
New Business:
Fair is April 2nd. Tabled
discussion about having a booth with prizes to give away.
Next meeting: February 10th,
50/50 Drawing was wone by: None
Motion to adjourn by Lion Bartels, Second
by Lion Shaefer. Motion carried.
Belle Fourche Lions Club Minutes January 13th, 2022
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by President Lion Coleman.
There were 13 members and 1 guests present for the
meeting: Lions Bartels, Coleman, Derry, J. Drabek, R. Drabek, Ensz, Nary,
Oedekoven, Shoemaker, F. Walton, R. Walton, Willert, and Capp.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Derry.
The Lions song
was led by Lion Capp.
A Lions joke was
told by Lion Shoemaker.
Minutes of the previous
meeting were reviewed. Lion R. Walton motioned
to accept seconded by Lion Derry. Motion
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Ensz. Motion
to accept by Lion R. Walton seconded by Lion Shoemaker. Motion carried.
Old Business:
on Raffle tickets sold by our club from Lion Ensz: $1840 dollars were collected
and distributed to District 5SW.
New Business:
our newest Lion Doug Kraft!
Capp brought up the topic of the tornado victims in Tennessee, if we should
donate any monies through the Lions Club International. Lion R. Walton motioned to give $250. Lion Shoemaker seconded. Motion carried.
Capp motioned to create a Donation Committee to look into projects and/or
organizations that are worthy of monies being distributed. Lion Oedekoven seconded. Moton carried.
Members are:
§ Lion Derry
§ Lion Shoemaker
§ Lion F. Walton
§ Lion J. Drabek
School Science Fair is February 15th.amount for the two awards to be
given was tabled until Lion Ensz could research to find out how much was given
in the past.
Nary has 4 crates of used glasses to be taken to Sioux Falls. Lion Shoemaker has volunteered to make the delivery.
Next meeting: January 27th,
50/50 Drawing was won by: Lion R. Drabek
$21. Money was donated back to the club.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Derry, Second by
Lion Capp.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes December 9th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by President Lion Coleman.
There were 13 members and 0 guests present for the
meeting: Lions F. Walton, R. Walton, Cooper Shoemaker, Coleman, Derry, R.
Drabek, Nary, M. Kraft, D. Kraft, Ensz, Reich, and Capp.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Derry
The Lions song
was led by Lion R. Walton
A Lions joke was
told by Lion Capp
Minutes of the
previous meeting were reviewed. Lion F.
Walton motioned to accept seconded by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Ensz. Motion
to accept by Lion Derry seconded by Lion R. Walton. Motion carried.
Silver Linings sent a Thank You card for our donation.
Old Business:
Campaign 100 Raffle tickets need to be turned in to Lion Ensz by Dec 15th.
White Cane books are here. Lion Capp
will contact School Principal for delivery.
on Vision Screening dates: No dates yet.
New Business:
· Introduce discussion of having our own raffle for a fund raiser? Tabled.
§ Nary/Ensz
§ Capp/Nary
Clean up
§ F. Walton
§ M. Kraft/J. Drabek
§ M.
§ Nary/Capp
§ Shoemaker/R.
Car Rally
§ Klein
Next meeting: January 13th,
50/50 Drawing was won by: None
Motion to adjourn by Lion R. Walton,
Second by Lion Derry.
Belle Fourche Lions Club Minutes Oct 28th, 2021
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Lion Ron Ensz.
There were 9 members and 0 guests present for the
meeting: Lions R. Walton, Cooper, R. Drabek, J. Drabek, Shoemaker, Oedekoven,
Ensz, Derry, and Capp.
The Pledge was
led by Lion R. Drabek.
The Lions song
was led by Lion R. Walton.
A Lions joke was
told by no Lion.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were reviewed. Lion R.
Walton motioned to accept seconded by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Ensz. Motion
to accept by Lion Cooper seconded by Lion Shoemaker. Motion carried.
City Downton Lion’s Club is having the 100th Anniversary
Celebration. There are tickets if anyone
wants to attend.
Club International sent a letter and chevron for our banner.
Campaign 100 Raffle tickets arrived.
There are enough tickets so that each Lion gets two. We are requested to buy one and sell one, or
sell both or buy both.
Old Business:
White Cane books are here. We are hoping
to distribute at the Elementary School when the Vision Screenings are done.
on Vision Screening dates: There is
still no date set. Waiting on the
New Business
No new business.
Next meeting: November 11th,
50/50 Drawing was not drawn.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Cooper, Second
by Lion J. Drabek.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes October 14th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by President Lion Cherie Coleman.
There were 11 members and
2 guests present for the meeting: Lions Capp, Coleman, Cooper, Derry, J.
Drabek, R. Drabek, Kraft, Nary, F. Walton, R. Walton, and Zupan. Guests were Past District Governor Lion Stan
Smith and Doug Kraft.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Kraft
The Lions song
was led by Lion Capp
A Lions joke was
told by Lions Nary and Capp.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were partially read and reviewed. Noted that Lion Smith also
said that the Belle Fourche Club started the Piedmont and Northern Lights Club. Lion F. Walton motioned to accept with
corrections, seconded by Lion Nary.
Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Coleman.
Motion to accept by Lion Cooper, seconded by Lion R. Walton. Motion carried.
Melvin Jones awards presented by Past
District Governor Lion Stan Smith from Spearfish Lions Club.
Nary (bio pending)
Walton (bio pending)
Dogs Thank you letter for donation of $100.
Old Business:
White Cane update: expecting books on Oct 20th.
Screenings dates to be determined when Lion J. Drabek is contacted by the
schools. Lion Kraft to help.
New Business:
for donations:
Fourche Volunteer Fire Dept- (No donation in 2020) Lion Coleman motioned to
donate $100, seconded by R. Walton.
Motion carried.
Shepard Clinic ($100 in 2020) Lion R. Walton motioned to donate $100, seconded
by R. Drabek. Motion carried. A letter will be given along with donation
describing benefits offered to Belle Fourche residents.
Silver Lining Senior Center (no donation in 2020) R. Drabek motioned to donate
$100, seconded by Lion Cooper. Motion
Next meeting: October 28th,
50/50 Drawing was wone by: Lion F. Walton
$33, and was donated back to the club.
Motion to adjourn by Lion R. Walton,
Second by Lion Cooper. Motion carried.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes Sept 23rd,
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Coleman.
There were 13 members and
2 guests present for the meeting: Guests were Past District Governor Stan Smith
and his wife Laura. Members were Lions
Bartels, Capp, Coleman, Cooper, Reich, Derry, R. Drabek, Ensz, Nary, Oedekoven,
Shoemaker, F. Walton, and R. Walton.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Cooper
The Lions song
was led by Lion Capp
A Lions joke was
told by Lion Capp, and Lion Derry
Minutes of the
previous informal Cowboy Breakfast after action meeting were read. The Minutes from the last meeting in May were
missing. Lion Ensz motioned to accept the
phantom minutes, seconded by Lion Cooper.
Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Ensz. Administrative
Acct $4836.37. Project Acct
$7853.31. Motion to accept by Lion R.
Walton, seconded by Lion Derry. Motion
Lions Club is having a 100th Anniversary on Oct 8th. They have sent us an invitation to any and
all Lions to attend. Need to RSVP by Oct
1st.Copies of the letter will be handed out upon request.
for donation to the Rec Center for the Halloween Party. Last year we contributed $50. R. Walton
motioned to donate $50. F. Walton seconded.
Motion carried.
from Leader Dog for a donation. R.
Walton motioned to donate $100. Seconded by Lion Shoemaker. Motion carried.
Old Business:
of Cruze Night: net $91.48.
of Cowboy Breakfast: net $1307.41
Thursday 50/50 drawing grossed $389
can recycle has netted another $121. We
have surpassed the 2-ton mark with over 40 lbs. of tabs donated to the Ronald
McDonald House.
for the splash park were ordered. Price
was a little higher than anticipated.
White Cane books are being purchased for distribution to the school.
New Business:
of Officers by Past District Governor Lion Stan Smith from the Spearfish Lions
Club. Lion Smith gave a short
speech. To start with the local clubs
are the heart and soul of the Lions Clubs.
The Belle Fourche Club has been instrumental in our local area spreading
Lionism by starting the Spearfish, Sturgis, Piedmont, Northern Lights,
and Buffalo clubs. He outlined the two
most important things to remember during this next year.
our Motto: We Serve! Remember to focus on service in all that we
do as a club and as individuals in our community.
Fellowship: Remember that fellowship is the heart of our
clubs, creating lasting friendships and bonds that support us and our neighbors
in the hard times. So, remember to have
fun helping people!
to set dates for the following activities to get them in the upcoming Chamber
Screening for Grades 3,5, and 7> Oct? Not set.
Feed> March or April? March 27th
Screening> May? Not set.
Car Rally> June? Possible Cars and Coffee event instead
Breakfast> July 4th
State Convention is Oct 1st and 2nd. If anyone wants information, we can get it
for them.
Jones awards are to be turned in by Oct 14th.
by Lion Ensz to form a small committee to reassess our building and grounds
estimated value. Motion was not
Next meeting: Oct 14th, 2021
50/50 Drawing was wone by: No drawing.
Motion to adjourn by no info written down.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes May 27th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Melissa Kraft.
There were 19 members and 3 guests present for the
meeting: The Guests were Janelle, Willert, Travis Henson, and a representative
from the Spearfish Club Lion Stan Smith.
Attending Lions were: Lions Coleman, Darling-Reich, Derry, J. Drabek, R.
Drabek, B. Drabek, Ensz, A. Foote, D. Foote, Haivala, Kraft, Linstad, Nary,
Shoemaker, F. Walton, R. Walton, Willert, Zupan, and Capp.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Ensz
The Lions song
was led by Lion Coleman
A Lions joke was
told by Lions Nary, and B. Drabek.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were read. Lion F.
Walton motioned to accept seconded by Lion Shoemaker. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek. Motion
to accept by Lion Zupan seconded by Lion Coleman. Motion carried. Bills paid were $110 to BH Optical and $40 to
BH Vision Care.
you letter from LCI for $500 donation.
Old Business:
Cruise update: MJ’s will have a show and shine from 10-2 but will not interfere
with the Cruise. They have agreed to
advertise for us. Still need volunteers.
of July Cowboy Breakfast update: FFA
will be there to help set up the tables and chairs. The Roundup has agreed to add us to their
calendar and mention the breakfast in their advertising.
recipients are: Lanee Powers and Shaylie Holben
members of the Scholarship committee will be appointed by the incoming
President Lion Cherie Coleman.
Lee Capp needs to stay out of the Presidents business per outgoing President
Melissa Kraft.
New Business:
to proposed radio add and decide if and how much to purchase: Lion Derry has contributed $100, Hershruds
has donated $50, and Lion Capp donated $50 towards the radio adds.
Schedule of adds are as follows.
Monday 6/7 2 adds
Tues thru Sunday 3 adds
Monday 6/14 2 adds
Tues and Wed 3 adds.
Thurs thur Sat 4 adds.
equals 40 adds. 20 we paid for and 20
donated by KZ Country.
welcome in our latest new member Maryanne (Annie) Darling-Reich.
Next meeting: September 9th.
50/50 Drawing was wone by: Lion Ensz and
donated back his share.
Motion to adjourn by Lion R. Walton, Second by Lion Capp. Motion carried.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes May 13th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by President Lion Melissa Kraft.
There were 14 members, and 2 guests present for the
meeting: Annie Reich and Amanda Biegert, as guests with Lions Beiger, Coleman,
Derry, J. Drabek, R. Drabek, A. Foote, D. Foote, Haivala, Kraft, Linstad,
Shoemaker, F. Walton, R. Walton, and Capp attending.
· The Pledge was led by Lion J. Drabek
· The Lions song was led by Lion R. Drabek
A Lions joke was told
by Lion Capp.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were read. Lion Derry motioned
to accept seconded by Lion Coleman.
Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek. Motion
to accept by Lion Coleman, seconded by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
Shepard asking for donations. R. Drabek
motioned to donate $100. Shoemaker seconded.
Motion carried.
you note from Leader Dog.
Old Business:
Gramps White Cane purchase. Where are we? Lion Coleman giving contact
info to R. Drabek.
of July Cowboy Breakfast update: Request
to close the street was approved by the City Council.
the FFA help in setting up the Cowboy Breakfast? Lion Kraft
we helping the FFA with the Burger Bash? Lion Kraft No.
Cruise update: Lion Capp is working with KZ Country on pricing for radio spots.
committee: Lion Kraft too late?
Scholarships were given out to the committee. We are not able to say who
yet. Lion Beal’s wishes to resign from
the Scholarship committee. Lion Gubrud
is asking to have 1 to 2 more appointed to the committee.
New Business:
Cole wants to talk about task force forming with a rep from each of the civic
groups in town. Wants to ask if he can
nominate Lion Lee Capp Lion Coleman nominated Lion Capp, Lion Shoemaker
seconded. Motion carried.
River Festival Jun 11th -12th Lion Coleman says
volunteers are welcome and count towards volunteer hours.
Next meeting: May 27th, 2021
50/50 Drawing was won by: Lion R. Walton
and donated his share back to the club.
Motion to adjourn by Lion (not recorded)
Fourche Lions Club Minutes Apr 22nd,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Melissa Kraft.
There were 16 members and 1 guest present
for the meeting: Lions Coleman, Cooper, Derry, R. Drabek, B. Drabek, Ensz,
Floyd, A. Foote, D. Foote, Haivala, Kraft, Linstad, Shoemaker, Walton, Zupan,
and Capp.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Foote.
The Lions song
was led by Lion Zupan.
A Lions joke was
told by Lion Capp.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were read. Lion F.
Walton motioned to accept, seconded by Lion Cooper. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek $5649.56 Admin acct, $6064.87 Project Acct.
Motion to accept by Lion Derry seconded by Lion Zupan. Motion carried.
Foster Home Program Rep wants to present information about the program.
Old Business:
Gramps White Cane purchase. Where are we? Lion Coleman is working on getting
contact information to the treasurer to make the purchase.
of July Cowboy Breakfast: Lion Coleman is Chairman. Lion Capp is working on getting the Cowboy
Breakfast on the Roundup Calendar. Just
need times and what we are serving.
anyone take pictures at the Pancake feed that we can put on the Web site?
the FFA help in setting up the Cowboy Breakfast? Lion Kraft will find out.
Cruise information Lion Shoemaker is Chairman.
Lion Coleman to handle posters.
Lion Capp to handle the paper and radio.
New Business:
we helping the FFA with the Burger Bash? Lion Kraft will find out.
we want to work at the Roundup? Lion
Capp has visited with Chairman Keith Anderson.
They are using other groups for Ushers but there is definitely a spot
for 2 to 3 Lions per day working at the ticket booth. Money was not discussed. We are to get back with them if we want to
participate. Lon Coleman motioned to not help with the Roundup. Zupan seconded. Motion carried.
with Doug Cole to get either a bi-weekly or monthly update about the Lions Club
into the paper.
Leadership training is on Sat Apr 24th, 9-11am. Applications are available. Training is free.
Cooper Award Diamond Centennial Award.
Shopping Committee: Need to remember we have committed to buying two benches.
committee: Lion Kraft will talk to high school counselor to find out if it is
too late.
River Festival Jun 11th -12th want us to serve popcorn?
Lion Cooper motioned to table until next year.
Lion Derry seconded. Motion carried.
Next meeting: May 13th.
50/50 Drawing was wone by: none
Motion to adjourn by Lion Haivala, Second
by Lion Shoemaker. Motion carried.
Belle Fourche Lions Club April 8th, 2021
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews and online via Zoom.
The meeting was called to order by
There were 15 members and 3 guests present and no
deaths for the meeting: Dayna Foote, Janelle Willert, and Maryanne
Darling-Reich. Lions Bartels, Coleman, Derry, R. Drabek, B Drabek, Foote,
Kraft, Linstad, Shoemaker, F. Walton, R. Walton, Willert, Zupan, and Capp.
The Pledge was
led by Lion Capp.
Lions Song was
led by Lion Zupan.
A Lions joke was
told by Lion None.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were attempted to be read. Lion Bartels motioned to accept
seconded by Lion Coleman. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek, Lion R. Walton motioned to accept, seconded
by Lion Coleman. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Thank you for our donation
to the South Dakota Lions foundation.
Old Business:
· Gramps White Cane
book: purchase
of 26 books approved. Where are we? Lion Coleman is working on buying them
directly from people in Spearfish.
Feed Report by Lion Coleman (notes from Lion Ensz). Lions attending the Pancake feed were: Lions
Bartels, Coleman, Cooper, Derry, J. Drabek, R. Drabek, Ensz, Kline, Nary,
Oedekoven, F. Walton, R. Walton, Zupan, and Capp. Also, one non-Lion Volunteer
Karen. Approx. 500 people showed. $4990
total earned with $3290 advanced sales by F. Walton.
Lions Club Logo installed by? Lion Derry and Nary.
of July Cowboy Breakfast: need to pick someone to head it.
R. Drabek: Should we be donating $500 per year for the Melvin Jones Award? Lion
R. Drabeck motioned, Lion Willert seconded.
Motion carried.
longer trying to broadcast on Zoom as there aren’t any takers
New Business:
of Officers
President Lion Coleman
1st Vice Oedekoven
2nd Vice Foote
Sec Capp
Treasurer Ensz
1st year R. Walton and
2nd year D. Foote, F
Tail Twisters Lion Walton
Lion Tamer Lion Derry
F Walton motioned to approve, Willert seconded, motion carried.
Walton motioned to give $300 to Moose Lodge. Lion Zupan seconded. Motion carried.
chairperson for the 4th breakfast Lion Coleman, and the All-car
rally cruise Lion Shoemaker to chair all car rally.
now on the official name is “Defecation Depositor”
Next meeting: Apr 22nd.
50/50 Drawing was wone by: Lion Derry and
donated back to club a total of $36.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Capp, Second by
Lion Willert. Motion carried.
Interesting facts:
Belle Fourche Lions Club is the third
oldest club (1936) in our district behind Rapid City (1921) and Lemmon (1930)
Belle Fourche Lions Club Meeting March 25th, 2021
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews and online via Zoom.
The meeting was called to order by Acting President Lion Cherie Coleman.
There were 12 members and 1 guest present for the
meeting: (and no deaths) Danya Foote was the guest, Lions Coleman, Derry, R.
Drabek, Ensz, Floyd, Foote, Oedekoven, Shoemaker, F. Walton, R. Walton, and
The Pledge was
led by Lion
A Lions joke was
told by Lion
Minutes of the previous
meeting were read. Lion R. Walton motioned
to accept seconded by Lion Zupan. Motion
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion R. Drabek, Lion Walton motioned to accept, seconded
by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
Correspondence: Leader Dog wants us to
sponsor a dog for $150. Also, the
chamber is asking for $100. Lion Ensz motioned, seconded by F Walton. Motion carried.
Old Business:
screening had 59 screened with only 3 referrals. Lions volunteering were Lions Melodey Zupan,
Larry Shoemaker, Cherie Coleman, Rich Drabek, and Joyce Drabek.
from Joanna Jones to donate money to buy more of Grampa’s White Cane for
distribution to elementary schools.
Tabled until the next meeting where Lion Capp will find out how many
elementary classrooms in Belle Fourche. Contacted Julie Hatling South Park
Principal: she says there are 26
classrooms in South Park and the library.
She would be more than happy for us to place some books in the school. Lion F Walton moved to buy 26 books; Lion Zupan
seconded. Motion carried.
Feed Lion Nary, Lion Walton and Oedekoven will coordinate to get the
grill. Set up at 7am. 8am start serving.
Jones Fellowship Scholarship committee met and 2 were identified. Two plaques will be ordered and will be
Nary had gotten a new logo for the picnic shelter at Jones Park.
New Business:
Cash Box is found.
Bartels has found the Presidents briefcase.
All-Car Rally has decided on a cruise again this year on June 19th. Lion Cherie will donate totes for the popcorn
production. Motioned by Lion R. Walton, seconded by Lion Mike. Motion carried.
of July breakfast: Talked to Michelle
from Cowboys Too. The Down Town Business
Assoc. have talked and would like Lions Club to serve breakfast again. Motioned
by R. Walton, seconded by Lion Shoemaker.
Motion carried.
Advancement Key Award for Lion Rick Walton
Centennial Award for Lion John Cooper
Mike donated $200 towards Leader Dog.
Lion Capp motioned to match with $200 to the Leader Dog, second Oedekoven.
Motion carried.
up by Lion R Drabek: Something to think about that we should donate $500 per
year for the Melvin Jones Award
Ensz volunteered to be Treasurer for 1 year until Lion Coleman is done being
President. Lion Foote volunteered to be 2nd Vice President.
prospective Lion Danya Foote as 2-year Director.
Derry volunteered to be Lion Tamer.
F. Walton and Lion Shoemaker volunteered to be 2 year Directors.
· Lion R. Walton as Tail Twister
Next meeting: April 8th, 2021
50/50 Drawing was wone by: Lion F.
Walton. Donated his $21 back to the
club. Tail twister $10 collected.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Zupan, Second by
Lion Derry. Motion carried.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes February 25th,
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews and online via Zoom.
The meeting was called to order by Lion Kraft.
There were 12 members and 0 guests present for the meeting:
Lions Kraft, Walton, Shoemaker, Haivala, F. Walton, Ensz, R. Drabek, Zupan, Floyd,
Coleman, Capp. Lion Nary attended by
The Pledge was
led by Lion Haivala
The Lions Song
was led by Lion Capp
A Lions joke was
told by Lion Capp
Minutes of the
previous meeting were read. Correction
that screening is March 15th.
Lion Walton motioned to accept seconded by Lion Drabek. Motion Carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek
Admin Acct: 5341.52
Project Acct 3042.53
Motion to accept Lion Walton,
seconded by Lion Haivala. Motion
$100 from the Al Shaw Family Memorial.
Old Business:
Park bench in honor of Chuck Livingston.
Adding Al Shaw to the bench.
collection: glasses have been boxed up and sent to Rapid City
Box there have been some items added.
screening on March 15th.
Lions Coleman, J. Drabek, and Shoemaker volunteered. Possibly need one more. Lion Zupan volunteered.
machine reserved for April 17th Health Fair at the Rec Center. List of volunteers?
from Joanna Jones to donate money to buy more of Grampa’s White Cane for
distribution to elementary schools.
Tabled until the next meeting where Lion Capp will find out how many
elementary classrooms in Belle Fourche.
Feed on the 28th? Lion Ensz
motion to have it. Lion Walton
seconded. Motion carried. Tickets will be available by the next
New Business:
of July breakfast: Talked to Michelle
from Cowboys Too. The Down Town Business
Assoc. have talked and would like Lions Club to serve breakfast again.
park was brought up again Lion Walton explained that it has been gone thru
before. There is no location that is
available, either it is private land or in a flood plain. This has been tabled forever.
Haivala has moved to Spearfish but still wants to be part of the Belle Fourche
Lions Club.
we are members of the Chamber of Commerce, we have an opportunity to nominate
business or people for awards. Spirit of
Belle Fourche award goes to a small business: Lion Shoemaker nominates
Grap’s. Lion Capp seconded. Faye Kennedy
award for a Super Volunteer: Lion Drabek
nominates Tom Nary. Unmasking Award
nominated Belle Flower shop by Lion Zupan seconded Lion R. Walton. Motion carried.
Belle Fourche Lions club has $2011 towards Melvin Jones Fellowship
Scholarship. Lion President appointed
Lion Walton, Drabek, and Ensz will be on a committee to pick two scholarship
Zupan shared nonprofit org. Beds in Need help people that need beds, or have problems
with paying water or heat bills. Lion
Walton moved to donate $100. Seconded by Floyd.
Motion carried.
Next meeting: March 11th 2021
50/50 Drawing was won by: Lion Coleman who
donated her share $24 to the Beds in Need.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Coleman, Second
by Lion Walton.
Fourche Lions Club Minutes February 11th,
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews
and online via Zoom. The meeting was called to order by
President Lion Kraft. There were 7
members and 1 guest present for the meeting: Lion’s Coleman, Derry, R. Drabek,
B. Drabek, Ensz, Capp and Kraft. Guest: Annie Reich.
The Pledge was
led by Ensz.
The Lion Song was
led by Lion Drabek.
A Lion’s joke was
told by Lion Capp and Lion Coleman.
Minutes of the
previous meeting were read. Lion Coleman
motioned to accept seconded by Lion Capp. Motion carried.
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek
Admin acct
Project acct
Lion Tom Nary turned in $131 in aluminum cans.
Lion Coleman motioned
to approve the report, Lion Derry seconded.
Motion approved.
· Received a nice thank you note from CASA. Will be posted on web site.
Letter from Joanna Jones about a book that was given to the Spearfish Elementary asking for donations to buy more books to place into classrooms.
Old Business:
Park, tabled until the City decides what type of bench is wanted.
Box: Lion Tom hung up display. Lion Joyce will help brain storm how to set it
to Casa. Lion Walton moves to donate
$75, Lion Shoemaker seconds. Motion
Joyce has reserved camera for vision screening on March 5th, Lion Coleman volunteered for the vision screen on
March 5th. We will need 3 to
4 Lions for the registration. If there are any volunteers please contact Lion
Cherie Coleman. Lion Shoemaker
volunteered, and Lion Joyce Drabek.
Anderson-Voyles wants to know if we would participate in the Health Fair at the
Rec Center in April 17th. Motion to attend the health fair by Lion
Shoemaker, second by Lion Derry. Motion carried. Lion Coleman said that the vendor who does
the blood testing may or may not be at the health fair.
Ensz brought up the pancake feed. It
falls on Palm Sunday, March 28th. Need
to decide if we are going to have it. Lion
Capp motion to table till next meeting. Lion Coleman seconded.
Who Care are asking for funds for the Post Prom party. Lion Coleman motioned to donate $50. Lion Derry Seconded. Motion carried.
Drabek motions to donate $300 to South Dakota Lions Club Foundation. Lion Coleman seconded. Motion carried.
Coleman will order book Grampa’s White Cane book. Donations to be tabled until next meeting.
Next meeting: Feb 25th, 2021
No 50/50 Drawing
Motion to adjourn by: Lion Coleman
seconded by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
Belle Fourche Lions Club Minutes for January 28th, 2021
The Belle
Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and Brews and online via Zoom.
The meeting was called to order by President Lion Kraft. There were 11 members and 1 guest present for
the meeting: Lion’s Coleman, Derry, R. Drabek, Foote, Kraft, and Capp. Guest: Danya
The Pledge was
led by Lion Capp.
The Lion Song was
led by Lion Drabek.
A Lion’s joke was
told by Lion Capp
Minutes of the
previous meeting were read. Lion Walton motioned
to accept seconded by Lion Derry. Motion
The Financial
Report was shared by Lion Drabek
5SW LCI dues were
paid (only had to pay Hall of Fame portion) International dues $738.17,
district dues waived.
Bought license
for the Grill and Trailer
Lion Walton
motioned to approve; Lion Derry seconded.
Motion approved.
a Thank You from the Sheriff and will be posted on the Lions Web site.
Old Business:
Park, tabled until the City decides what type of bench is wanted.
collection: Lion Walton picked up glasses from Runnings.
Box: Lion Tom will hang up tomorrow or next week. Sized 3’ square. Lion Joyce
will help brain storm how to set it up.
to Leader Dog. Did not address
to Casa. Lion Walton moves to donate
$75, Lion Shoemaker seconds. Motion
New Business:
Joyce has reserved camera for vision screening on March 5th, Lion Coleman volunteered for the vision screen on
March 5th. We will need 3 to
4 Lions for the registration. If there are any volunteers please contact Lion
Cherie Coleman. Lion Shoemaker
wants to know if we would participate in the Health Fair at the Rec Center in
April 17th. Motion to attend the health fair by Lion Shoemaker,
second by Lion Derry. Motion carried.
pins: traditionally not used in our Club.
Lions Officers positions discussed. Existing open officer positions were deemed
not needed at this time. Vice President
Lion Coleman will work with Lion Drabek on appointing new Committee
Next meeting: Feb 11th, 2021
50/50 Drawing was won by: Guest Danya
Motion to adjourn by Lion Walton, Second by Lion Derry.
Belle Fourche Lions Club Minutes for November 12, 2020
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Grap's Burgers and
Brews. The meeting was called to order
by President Melissa Kraft. There were 9 members and 1 guest present for
the meeting:
present: Lion Coleman, Lion Derry, Lion Rich
Drabek, Lion Floyd, Lion Haivala, Lion Kraft, Lion D. Neumeister, Lion S.
Neumeister, Lion Schaefer and Lion Zupan.
The pledge was led by Lion Zupan. The
Lions song was led by Lions "Melissa Derry."
Our GUEST was welcomed as a new
member as he has paid his dues. Welcome
Lion Foote!
There was no Lions joke.
As this meeting
was in the midst of COVID, no one was counted as absent for "perfect
Minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Motion to approve the minutes was made by
Lions Derry and Coleman, with 2nd by Lion Zupan; motion carried.
The financial report was presented by
Lion Rich Drabek. He stated that there
was $4600.94 in the Admin account and $4369.33 in the Project account an
additional $420 in raffle dollars will be added to the Project account. Motion to approve the financial report by
Lion Floyd with a 2nd by Lions Zupan and Derry; motion carried.
The following bills were presented to the club:
$5.48 stamp pad and $50 for National Child Safety Council; motion by Lion
Haivala pay the bill and to donate, 2nd by Lion Coleman; motion carried.
There was no correspondence.
- Is under construction with completion scheduled for next spring per Lion
collection locations were given by Lion Haivala. They are, in Belle, Pioneer Bank, 1st
Interstate Bank, Wells Fargo, Northern Hills Credit Union, Redwater eye care,
Vision Care, Dairy Queen, Runnings and Farm Bureau and in Arizona with Lion
Floyd donated $100 to the club to be given to the Belle
Fourche Compassion Cupboard.
Neumeister announced that they will be leaving the
community of Belle Fourche the end of November.
Lion Del resigned his
position of Secretary. "Thank you, Belle Fourche Lions, for all the years
of fellowship and enjoyment." A
search is out for a new Secretary.
families were brought up by Lion President. She will coordinate with Brian Aspen to come
up with two families to have gift cards of $250 each given to them. Motion by Lion Rich to move forward with
this, 2nd by Lion Floyd; motion carried.
Treasurer Rich noted that among his
responsibilities are to pay and control our "non-profit" status and
who we report to. This was done with the
intention of preparing the club for his "eventual" departure.
member Adam Foote was welcomed to the club. We look forward to his visions for new things
for the club. WELCOME!
There was NO 50/50 Drawing.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Floyd with a 2nd by Lion
MEETING WILL BE December 10th due to Thanksgiving; the
time will be 6 p.m. Location
of the meeting will be Grap's Burgers
and Brews.
Belle Fourche Lions Club
Minutes for October 8, 2020
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Grap's Burgers and
Brews. The meeting was called to order
by President Melissa Kraft. There were 15 members and 2 guests present
for the meeting:
present: Lion Biegert, Lion Coleman, Lion Derry, Lion
Rich Drabek, Lion Ensz, Lion Haivala, Lion Kline, Lion Kraft, Lion D.
Neumeister, Lion S. Neumeister, Lion Schaefer, Lion Shoemaker, Lion F. Walton,
Lion R. Walton and Lion Zupan.
pledge was led by Lion Mike "Coleman." The
Lions song was led by Lion Shoemaker.
were introduced as follows: Adam Foote was introduced by Lion Del Neumeister
and PDG Doug Scheller was introduced by Lion President.
A Lions joke
was shared by PDG Scheller.
Minutes from the previous meeting were presented
. Motion to approve the minutes was made
by Lion Coleman, with 2nd by Lion Zupan; motion carried.
The financial report was presented by
Lion Rich Drabek. He stated that there
was $4444.78 in the Admin account and $4789.33 in the Project account. Motion to approve the financial report by
Lion F. Walton with a 2nd by Lion Coleman; motion carried.
Although there
were no bills to be presented
to the club, a request for a donation from the Belle Fourche Volunteer Fire
Department was presented. No action was
There were two
pieces of correspondence. A THANK YOU from Lion Larry Miller for the
plaque. Also a birthday card was passed
around for the 90th of Lion Wennberg.
- This was tabled.
Fourche Lions website - Lion D. Neumeister stated that he
had sent out the email address for the website and wanted to make certain
everyone had it.
were transported to Sioux Falls by Lion Shoemaker. He and Lion Nary worked together to gather
the glasses and then get them to Sioux Falls.
Thank you Lions Tom and Larry.
It was noted that Lion Nary is getting
together a "shadow box" for the club.
Lion Ensz has some pins from former member Lion Tague. Anyone is welcome to them.
Member orientation - Lion Rich Drabek presented information
for the new members. The "very
good" information consisted of; history of Lions International, the
organizational setup of the Lions, some of the things Lions are involved in and
challenges to the new members to make a difference. He ended by challenging each to strive toward
5SW Proud Lion and MD5 Rookie Lion.
Scheller and Campaign 100 One word describes PDG
Sheller's presentation, passionate. Lion
Scheller believes what he spoke about and it starts with, "27.4
cents." He gave us statistics
regarding lack of water, electricity, shelter and the overall health of the
world. He told us that preventable
diseases take over 25,000 lives every day.
This is about the size of Aberdeen, SD.
He then told us that the goal of Campaign 100 is to raise 22 million
dollars by 2022. He then told us that
the dollars that have already been raised have made a difference. South Dakota alone has received over 1/2
million dollars in grants. They have given approximately 5 million for COVID
relief. When you give to Campaign 100
you know where your dollars are going.
100% of your money goes to the cause you desire. There are no paid CEO's to siphon your
money. So, 24.7cents a day equals $100 a
year and that's what it will take to make the goal. You can donate on the LCIF website or by
mail: LCIF, Dept. 45471, Carol Stream, IL, 60122-4547. Thank you PDG Scheller for your presentation.
50/50 Drawing
was made: Adam Foote's number was drawn.
Meeting was adjourned.
NEXT MEETING WILL BE October 22nd, the time will be 6 p.m. Location of the meeting will be Grap's Burgers and Brews.
Belle Fourche Lions Club
Minutes for September 24, 2020
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Grap's Burgers and
Brews. The meeting was called to order
by President Melissa Kraft. There were 19 members and 2 guests present
for the meeting:
present: Lion Capp, Lion Coleman, Lion Cooper,
Lion Derry, Lion Joyce Drabek, Lion Rich Drabek, Lion Floyd, Lion Haivala, Lion
Kline, Lion Kraft, Lion Miller, Lion Nary, Lion D. Neumeister, Lion S.
Neumeister, Lion Oedekoven, Lion Shoemaker, Lion F. Walton, Lion R. Walton and Lion
pledge was led by Lion Coleman. The
Lions song was led by Lion Floyd.
The following GUESTS
were introduced by Lion Zupan: Zack Zupan (husband of Lion Zupan) and Cheri
Tripp (friend of Lion Zupan).
Two Lions
jokes were shared. One by Lion
Nary (timely with COVID 91) and one by Lion Derry.
Minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Motion to approve the minutes was made by
Lion Cooper, with 2nd by Lion F Walton; motion carried.
The financial report was presented by
Lion Rich Drabek. He stated that there
was $3616.78 in the Admin account and $4726.33 in the Project account. Motion to approve the financial report by
Lion Floyd with a 2nd by Lion Zupan; motion carried.
There were no bills presented to the club.
There was no correspondence.
- It was noted that the city must decide what type of benches they desire and
when they will start construction. Lion
Nary was given information regarding Lion Livingston's date of joining (1967)
and a point of contact for the making and engraving of the plaque when that
time arrives.
Fourche Lions website - Lion Capp gave us a few
updates. The email address if anyone
wants to send something directly to the website is: Lion Secretary will get that sent to the club
members as soon as possible.
Member installation - Lion Rich Drabek conducted a
candlelight service with some history and "responsibilities" of being
a Lion to install the following members who have not previously been installed:
Lion Coleman, Lion Zupan, Lion Floyd, Lion Kraft, Lion Capp, Lion S.
Neumeister, Lion F. Walton, Lion Derry and Lion Shoemaker. It was a very meaningful service. Next meeting will be orientation for new
Lion Floyd made a $100 donation to Leader
Dogs for the Blind. Thank you, Lion
Lion Joyce Drabek noted that the Chamber
of Commerce has ask us if we wanted to participate in "Pumpkin Fest"
by serving food. The day would be
October 24th and the time would be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Discussion took place.
for the meal Lion D. Neumeister gave the blessing.
Upon return from the break more
discussion regarding Pumpkin Fest. No
action was taken by our club.
Lion Larry Miller was recognized with
plaque and kind words for his many years as the "keeper" of the
website. The plaque was presented by
President Kraft for Immediate Past President Willert due to Lion Willert's
deployment. Lion Miller was accompanied
by Lion Rich Drabek who is his sponsor.
A standing ovation was given to Lion Miller. Thank you, Lion Larry.
It was noted that Lion Haivala is the only
one slated to take care of glasses.
Lions R. Walton, Derry and Oedekoven volunteered to assist Lion
Haivala. Lion Shoemaker also stated he
would be travelling to Sioux Falls on October 2nd. He will transport glasses and turn them
in. Thank you, Lion Larry.
Lion Nary has a shadow box and will
contact Grap's for an appropriate place to display memorabilia. Thank you, Lion Tom.
50/50 Drawing
was made: Lion Floyd's number was drawn. The money was donated back to the club.
Motion by Lion D. Neumeister to adjourn, 2nd
by Lion Capp; motion carried.
NEXT MEETING WILL BE October 8th, the time will be 6 p.m. Location of the meeting will be Grap's Burgers and Brews.
Belle Fourche Lions Club
Minutes of September 10, 2020
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Grap’s Burgers and
Brews in their "wine room."
The meeting was called to order by President
Melissa Kraft. The following 13
members were present for the meeting:
Lion Coleman, Lion Derry, Lion Joyce Drabek, Lion Rich
Drabek, Lion Kraft, Lion Nary, Lion D. Neumeister, Lion S. Neumeister, Lion
Oedekoven, Lion Shoemaker, Lion F. Walton, Lion R. Walton and Lion Zupan.
pledge was led by Lion S. Neumeister. The
Lions song was led by Lion J. Drabek.
There were no GUESTS.
No Lions
jokes were shared.
Minutes from the previous meeting were presented. Motion to approve the minutes was made by
Lion F. Walton, with 2nd by Lion Zupan; motion carried.
The financial report was presented by
Lion Rich Drabek. He stated that there
was $4876.33 in the Admin account and $3481.77 in the Project account. Motion to approve the financial report by
Lion D. Neumeister with a 2nd by Lion F. Walton; motion carried.
The following bills were presented to the
club: BFACC sent a request to support the Spooktacular on October 31st. Motion by Lion R. Walton to give them
$50. 2nd by Lion Shoemaker;
motion carried. A request from Leader
Dogs for the Blind for financial support was presented. Motion by Lion R. Walton to donate $100. 2ns by Lion Derry; motion carried.
The following correspondence was shared: Two
pieces of news regarding SD Lions State Convention: a raffle will be held and
tickets were sent, also this year it will be a "virtual" convention.
-Lion J. Drabek noted that the city requested that any benches purchased would
be metal rather than concrete. Our
plaque honoring Lion Livingston will come at a later date.
Member orientation - Lion Rich Drabek stated that he feels
it would be a very meaningful thing to have "installation" of new
members before an orientation. It was
decided that the next meeting will be when this happens. All members are requested to RSVP Lion Del if
they are attending. Lion Del will send
out a notice.
Fourche Lions website - Lion Coleman stated that Lion Capp
has the website "up and running".
He will share with the club, upon his next availability, all he has
- an update on income was given. With
expenses added up, we made $269.23. All
who attended felt that growth was indeed possible and they "had fun."
Screening/kindergarten roundup was updated by Lion
J. Drabek. She was grateful for the
volunteers: Lions Frank Walton, Rich Drabek, Coleman, Sue Neumeister and Del
Neumeister. Approximately 90 children
were screened with approximately 6 referrals.
Everyone felt it is a very worthwhile endeavor.
Park equipment - the letter of support was written by Lion
President Kraft.
attendance - Pins for perfect attendance were presented to the
following members: Lions Joyce Drabek, Rich Drabek, Robert Drabek, Tom Nary,
Del Neumeister, Sue Neumeister, Larry Shoemaker, Frank Walton, Rick Walton and
Kellen Willert. Lions Robert Drabek and
Willert were unable to attend due to COVID for Lion Drabek and military
commitment for Lion Willert.
Lion Coleman shared numerous memorabilia
items from Lion Livingston.
Lion Nary stated that there has been a
noticeable increase in aluminum can collection.
Any and all volunteers to crush cans should contact him at 892-2027 to
50/50 Drawing
was made: Lion Coleman's number was
drawn. She donated her proceeds to
Leader Dogs for the blind.
Motion by Lion R. Walton to adjourn, 2nd by
Lion D. Neumeister; motion carried.
NEXT MEETING WILL BE September 24th, the time will be 6 p.m. Location of the meeting will be Grap’s Burgers and Brews.
Belle Fourche Lions Club
Minutes of August 6, 2020
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met at Graps Burgers and
Brews. The meeting was called to order
by new President Melissa Kraft. The following 13 members and 2 guests were
present for the meeting:
Lion Capp, Lion Coleman, Lion Joyce Drabek, Lion Rich
Drabek, Lion Ensz, Lion Kraft, Lion Nary, Lion D. Neumeister, Lion S.
Neumeister, Lion Schaefer, Lion F. Walton, Lion R. Walton and Lion Willert.
were: Annie Reich and Jenelle Willert.
Annie was introduced by Lion Capp and Janelle was introduced by
Immediate Past President Willert.
Two Lions
jokes were shared by Jenelle Willert and by Lion Capp.
Minutes from the previous meeting were presented
. Motion to approve the minutes was made
by Lion Willert, with 2nd by Lion F. Walton; motion carried.
The financial report was presented by
Lion Rich Drabek. He noted he was having
some printer "issues" so he gave some verbal information. Motion to approve the financial report by Lion
R. Walton with a 2nd by Lion Willert; motion carried.
following correspondence was
shared: A THANK YOU from Harley Fisher for the Lion's Scholarship. A note from the BFACC that the Health Fair
was NOT going to be rescheduled.
- Lion Willert stated that perhaps due to the number of donors that the club
"sponsor" a bench and have a plaque on it, rather than making or
purchasing one. Discussion. More to follow.
Member orientation - Lion Rich Drabek stated that most
likely we will have this in Sept.
of July update - The Cowboy breakfast had much positive
feedback. Everyone involved believed
that it was a good learning experience.
It is believed that it will grow.
Fourche Lions website - Lion Capp has been given Lion
Miller's email address. Coordination
will be made. There was discussion
regarding some sort of recognition of Lion Miller for everything he has done
with the website.
- This is scheduled for Belle Fourche August 21st and/or 22nd. It was noted that Friday has only a few
venders. Motion by Lion R. Walton to
sell hot dogs and popcorn on Friday, 2nd by Lion Willert; motion
carried. Much discussion followed.
Lion Willert noted that the city will be
seeking a grant for new equipment at
Gay Park. They were asking for a
letter of support to make the grant happen.
Motion by Lion Willert to give them a letter of support, 2nd
by Lion R. Walton; motion carried. Lion
Willert will draft the letter.
screening will take place August 17th at
North Park Elementary. Lion J. Drabek
will check with the school about COVID protocol to see if we can do Vision
of the year plaque was presented by Immediate Past
President Willert to Lion Nary. A hardy
round of applause was given.
NEXT MEETING WILL BE September 10th,
the time will be 6 p.m. Location
of the meeting will be Graps Burgers
and Brews.
50/50 Drawing was made: President Kraft's name was drawn. Money was donated back to the club. Motion by Lion Willert to adjourn, 2nd by Lion R. Walton; motion carried.
The Belle Fourche Lions Club met via ZOOM for a limited agenda meeting. The venue of the meeting was due to the concern of COVID-19 to public health. Thanks to Lion President Willert for setting up the ZOOM connections.
The following members were present: Lion Cherie Coleman, Lion Mike Derry, Lion Joyce Drabek, Lion Rich Drabek, Lion Robert Drabek, Lion Ron Ensz, Lion Larry Miller, Lion Del Neumeister, Lion Sue Neumeister, Lion Frank Walton, Lion Rick Walton and Lion Kellen Willert.
The following items were set aside to expedite the meeting: pledge, song, joke, minutes of last meeting and financial report. There was no correspondence.
Lion President called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
There was a short discussion regarding the cancelled Pancake Feed. It was noted that there have been NO requests for refunds. Lion Ensz noted that there are some possible expenses that Lion Nary may have and should be reimbursed.
The main purpose of the meeting was to elect officers for the 2020-2021 year.
There were needed 2 Directors and a 2nd Vice President. Lion Rick Walton nominated Jason Oedekoven for 2nd Vice President with a 2nd by Lion Derry. After a short discussion regarding his willingness, the motion carried. NOTE: Lion Secretary Del contacted Lion Oedekoven and he said he would be willing to hold the office.
Lion Frank Walton had already made mention of his willingness to continue in the position of Director for another 2 years and Lion Nary was nominated by Lion Rick Walton with a 2nd by Lion Miller. NOTE: Lion Secretary also contacted Lion Nary and he also stated he would be willing to hold office. After a short discussion the motion carried.
Discussion regarding the following items: The next scheduled meeting is April 23rd, do we need a meeting, should we have another ZOOM meeting? Lion Derry noted that the ALL CAR RALLY has been cancelled for this year. Motion by Lion Frank Walton to have Ditch clean up May 14th, 2nd by Lion Ensz; motion carried. Lion Secretary will send out reminder notices. We will meet at 5 p.m. at the Golf Club.
The next meeting will tentatively be May 28th. If something comes up in the meantime, Lion Secretary will notify the club members.
Lion Del brought up the Lions Scholarships (2 $500 Scholarship to High School Seniors). The question was raised on whether or not we had the funds; we do. Motion by Lion Del to give out 2 $500 scholarships to High School Seniors, 2nd by Lion Ensz; motion carried. The Scholarship Committee will consist of Lions Gubbrud, Del Neumeister and Pummel.
Motion by Lion Miller to adjourn, 2nd by Lion Rick Walton; motion carried.
Belle Fourche Lions Club - Special Meeting Minutes
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Belle Fourche Lion’s Club draft minutes for January 9, 2020
The meeting was called to order by President Willert. The meeting was held at Grap’s Burgers and Brews with 15 members and 1 guest present.
Belle Fourche Lion’s Club draft minutes for December 12, 2019
The meeting was called to order by President Willert. This was held at Grap’s Burgers and Brews with 12 members and 5 guests present.
The first meeting of the year was called to order by incoming President Willert. This was held at Grap’s Burgers and Brews with 13 members present.
Meeting called to order by President Zupan. Our regular meeting was held at Grap’s Burgers and Brews