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Lions Club treasurer Rich Drabek presents a $50 check to Junior Girl Scout Troop 70001 of Belle Fourche for "Operation Taste of Home." Accepting the check are scouts LeeAna Best (center) and Seyara Sechser (right). The money will allow the troop to send a case of Girl Scout Cookies to military personnel serving overseas. The Junior Girls Scouts also use money collected from cookie sales for a variety of community service projects -- like the "Pretty the City" project that provided for the planting of flowers at Herrmann Park. This year, they hope to help plant more trees along the River Walk. You'll find a higher resolution version of this photograph -- and many other images -- in our Lions Gallery.
Like our ambitious Junior Girl Scouts, the Belle Fourche Lions Club has a history of projects at Herrmann Park and throughout the community. Those activities are supported by our annual Lions Pancake Feed, which is coming up on Sunday, March 24th from 8am to 1pm at the Moose Lodge. Tickets are on sale from Lions Club members -- but they'll also be available at the door!