School nurse Brandi Van Sickle (at left) shows off the SPOT device used by Lions to conduct vision screening at the Belle Fourche Middle School and South Park Elementary School on Tuesday, December 13. In the middle photo, Lions Harry Haivala, Ken Gifford, and Rich Drabek take a break during what was a busy day! Belle Fourche Lions Club president Joyce Drabek noted that without the help of Lion Gifford from Rapid City, who coordinates Lions vision screening in this area, "we would not have succeeded with our screenings all these years!" At right, a 5th Grader at South Park School steadies herself for screening. Some 212 young people were screened during the day-long event using a "Spot Vision Screener," a hand-held, portable device to quickly detect vision issues. It screens both eyes at once from a non-threatening three-foot distance, ideal for quick screening of children.