Thursday, April 13, 2017

Congratulations Lion Chuck! 50 Years a Lion... and counting!

It's hard to fathom the dedication and work that Lion Chuck Livingston has demonstrated during more than 50 years as a Lion!  It was another special moment during our club meeting this week (4/13/17) as Belle Fourche Lions Club President Joyce Drabek presented Lion Livingston with a congratulatory letter from Chancellor Bob Corlew, President of Lions Clubs International. 

"Congratulations on your 50th anniversary as a Lions club member.  And not only have you been a member for 50 years, you have also had perfect attendance.  That is incredible!" wrote President Corlew. All of Lion Livingston's colleagues echo that sentiment.  Congratulations, Lion Chuck.....and Well Done!

(To read President Corlew's letter to Lion Livingston, visit our Lions Photo Gallery)