Despite a changing weather pattern that brought bitterly cold temperatures and (shudder) a brief burst of snow flurries to the Belle Fourche area, Lions turned out in fine number for our November 8 meeting at Grap's Burgers and Brews. We counted 16 souls who braved the nasty elements in order to attend!
After a brief discussion about prospects for a Dog Park in Belle Fourche, no action was taken.
But a bit of new business generated considerable interest. Acknowledging that "Splash Parks" have become popular around the area – including one in Spearfish – members discussed the possibility of such a park for Belle Fourche. One Lion described it as a very popular recreational activity for young people – basically a throwback to the simple childhood joy of "running through a sprinkler" – but on a grander scale. No decisions were made, but Lion Willert agreed to do some checking with the city – and the possibility of a grant from the Greater Belle Fourche Foundation also arose.
Lion Joyce Drabek passed around a sign-up sheet for the vision screenings scheduled for next week. A morning screening session is set for 9 o'clock at South Park School, and there'll be an afternoon screening at Emmanuel Baptist Church starting at 2 o'clock.
President Zupan noted that the club had received a congratulatory note from the South Dakota Lions Foundation recognizing the occurrence of our Lion's Club 82nd anniversary. We're also recipients of a new "Membership Satisfaction" patch sent to us for Lions International. It'll soon be added to our club banner.
Following the meal, Lion Secretary Neumeister (at right in the photo) joined Lion President Zupan in displaying the recently received plaque recognizing the Belle Fourche Lions Club for having the "Best Website" in Multiple-Districts 5, which includes the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, and the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Sites are judged for quality of content and design. Our thanks to Lion Secretary Del Neumeister. Without his timely and comprehensive minutes of our meetings, this website would be woefully barren!
Members were reminded that – due to the Thanksgiving holiday – our next meeting will be Thursday, December 13th. Happy Thanksgiving!