Thursday, April 25, 2019

25 Years a Lion....Congratulations Lion Brian Kline!

This could be a "Retro" photograph from 2015 – but it's not.  

Club Secretary Del Neumeister snapped this photo at the Belle Fourche Lions Club meeting this week (4/25/19) when Lion President Melodey Zupan recognized Lion Kline (he's the fellow with the familiar face at left!) for his 25 years as a Lion.  

Lion Kline has racked up numerous achievements as a Lion; among them:  Lion of the Year in 2015.  That's the year TWO members were recognized for that honor – Lions Brian Kline and Melodey Zupan, hence our comment that the above photo could've been from our 2015 archives, when these to Lions shared the award.

Lion Kline has served several years as club president and has been presented with perfect attendance awards, the Sable Award, among other recognitions for his active service with Belle Fourche Lions.  From ushering at the Black Hills Roundup and pitching in at the All-Car Rally to participating in our "Trash Patrol" along Highway 34 – just to name a few of his service activities.  He's been a busy fellow!

Congratulations and Well Done, Lion Brian!

For a synopsis of our April 25th Lions meeting, check out our Lions Minutes page.