Dear Lions and Lionesses,
It is that time of year again for Howard Hanson Award and Robert Tyler Award.
These are awards will be given at The State Convention. The nomination deadline is October 30th, 2014. Attached are the guidelines for each award.
Howard Hanson –This award is given annually to a Lion or Lioness.
The volunteer work provided by this person made significant
contributions, which have benefited the visually handicapped.
Robert Tyler – This award is also given annually to a Lion, Lioness or non-Lion. The volunteer work provided by this person made significant contributions, which have benefited the visually handicapped.
We look forward to receiving your nomination’s for these awards.
Thank you,
Tina Harris
South Dakota Lions Foundation
800 N. West Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
605-338-2392 Fax