Saturday, September 28, 2019

Awards highlight September 26th Lions meeting

Past President Melody Zupan presented Presidential Appreciation Awards to three club member during our September 26th meeting.  Recipients – shown left-to-right with Lion Zupan are –  Lions Rich Drabek, Del Neumeister, and Tom Nary.  Congratulations, fellow Lions!  (Photo by Lion Sue Neumeister - Thanks!)

Also recognized for Perfect Attendance during the past year were the Lions pictured above.  They included (Left-to-Right):  Lions Rich Drabek, Rick Walton, Frank Walton, Sue Neumeister, Del Neumeister, Robert Drabek, Chuck Livingston, Melodey Zupan, Joyce Drabek, and Tom Nary.  (Photo by Janelle Willert - Thanks!)

Of course, there was lots of other activity, too.  Check it out in our Minutes Tab!