Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lions conduct vision screening for 420 youngsters

With assistance from our all-time favorite school nurse, Brandi VanSickle, the Belle Fourche Lions Club on Tuesday, October 15th, screened the vision of 210 students at the Middle School. These were Fifth and Seventh graders.  Lions Frank Walton, Larry Schoemaker, Del Neumeister and Sue Neumeister conducted the screening, which resulted in 21 referrals for further examinations.   And now for the spooky part (It is, after all, just a couple of weeks from Halloween!)

The next day, Wednesday, the Neumeister pride (that's Lion-speak for Lions Del and Sue) were joined by Lions John Cooper and organizer Lion Joyce Drabek as they went to South Park Elementary School and screened...(drum roll, please)...another 210 students with – you guessed it – another 21 referrals among these First and Third graders. 

Lions Del and Coop were among our volunteers!

That's 42 referrals altogether!  Belle Fourche Lions are proud to offer this service and to know that these young people are getting a head start on detecting any vision irregularities – and pursuing appropriate action to deal with any vision issues.

         ~ ~ ~ ~ LIONS SERVE! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  

Vision screening is a core activity of Lions clubs; it goes directly to our mission, and it's extremely gratifying to know that we're making a real difference in the lives of these young people.

Our sincere thanks to the Lions listed above who made these screenings possible – and to the good folks in the Belle Fourche schools who make our screening tasks  a lot easier!