Twenty-eight Lions members and their guests gathered Thursday (Oct. 24) to hear District Governor (DG) Linda Vollmer give a multi-faceted report about some of Lion's accomplishments – but with a real focus on the challenges that lie ahead.
"Worldwide, 245 people die from measles every day...diabetes now afflicts some 400 million people...800 million people go to bed hungry every night...and 253 million are blind or visually impaired."
Lions, of course, have a broad range of initiatives that are working to correct these issues, but there's much to be done.
For example, DG Vollmer noted that it takes approximately two years to train a Leader Dog, and the cost is about $40,000! Read more about DG Vollmer's presentation and other meeting topics in Lion Del's comprehensive Minutes of October 24 Meeting.
Also at this meeting two Lions were recognized for attendance achievements during 2018-19.
Lion Larry Shoemaker (left) and Lion John Cooper (right) were both awarded pins by Lion President Kellen Willert for Perfect Attendance during the past year. By the way, you'll find these photos and more in our Lions Photo Gallery.
As reported earlier on our website, vision screening at the Belle Fourche Middle School and South Park Elementary School last week (October 15-15, respectively) was a success. It's always a success when our screeners are able to identify young people who are referred for further examination to determine the nature of potential problems – and then are enabled to pursue corrective action, if and when necessary.
In all, 420 students were screened, and 42 were referred for further exams. Our thanks to Lion Joyce Drabek for coordinating this screening, and a huge shout-out to Lions John Cooper, Del and Sue Neumeister, Larry Shoemaker, and Frank Walton. Thank you Lions for your continuing good work with this important initiative!
Last, but certainly not least, we're pleased to welcome new members to Belle Fourche Lions.
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Shown at right is new member Jason Oedekoven, who was sponsored by Lion Rick Walton (at left). Lion President Kellen Willert, center, presented certificates to both of them.
Welcome Lion Jason! |