Lions President Kellen Willert chairs our "virtual meeting" via Zoom |
It was something brand new for Belle Fourche Lions – we'd done nothing like it in our 83-year history: a "virtual meeting" via videoconferencing through a service called Zoom. It took place Thursday evening, April 9th, our regular meeting date and time, but the circumstances were anything but "regular." The innovative gathering was arranged by Lion President Kellen Willert as a way of safely coming together to conduct business during the Coronavirus Pandemic, widely-known as COVID-19.
Note: At this writing 1,311 people in South Dakota have tested positive for the virus, and seven people have died – all but one of them in eastern South Dakota.
Twelve Lions participated in this meeting, which handled a "limited agenda." Among business conducted: members approved presenting $500 scholarships to two Belle Fourche High School seniors at a date/time yet to be determined; scheduled a Highway 34 Ditch Cleanup for Thursday, May 14th; advised members that the All-Car Rally has been cancelled for this year; and selected Lions to fill officer/board vacancies beginning July 1st. Read details of the meeting on our Minutes page.
The next scheduled meeting is tentatively set for Thursday, May 28th. Watch this website and your e-mail "Inbox" for updates.
Be safe and be well!