Lion Melodey Zupan was presented with a Diamond Award for bringing new members into the Lions Club. Thanks Lion Melodey! (Lion Del Neumeister photo!) |
It was a very busy night for 15 members of Belle Fourche Lions last Thursday (May 28th) as attendees handled a number of topics, including the approval for the club to serve a 4th of July breakfast on State Street – most likely between 7:30 to 10:00 a.m.
Michelle Evans |
After discussion about Lions ushering at the Fourth of July Rodeo this year, it was decided to advise the Rodeo Committee that Belle Fourche Lions will not usher at the rodeo this year.
The club then announced the names of the two seniors at Belle Fourche High who are the recipients of $500 scholarships: Kelby Olson and Harley Fischer. The selection Committee consisted of Lions Beals, Gubbrud, D. Neumeister and Pummel.
Check details of the entire May 28th meeting by visiting our Minutes Page. Our thanks to Lion Secretary Del Neumeister for providing us with the Minutes!
Please Note: Belle Fourche Lions will meet again at 7:00pm, Thursday, June 11th at Grap's!